při SOŠ energetické a stavební, OA a SZŠ, Chomutov, p.o.

Education in Hydrogen Technologies Area 2 (EHTA2)
Erasmus+ priorities: Environment and climate change
Additional priorities: Adapting vocational education and training to labour market needs
Contributing to innovation in VET

Objective of the project:
• To include the topic of hydrogen in the education of existing fields of education in vocational
schools, by increasing the knowledge of teachers.
• Training for teachers in the regions of the involved partners.
• Develop modern online education (creation of a platform with 2D game).
• Developing the didactic units using the CLIL method and digital tools.

• Training and excursions for teachers involved in the project so that they can develop the
Hydrogen themes + train other teachers within the project.
• Develop modern online education (creation of a platform) that will contain not only didactic
units, but above all a 2D game that will allow students to acquire knowledge in an attractive
• Developing the didactic units using CLIL and digital tools, based on the level of language skills
in the relevant fields of education.
• Inclusion of the topics in the education, pilot testing, consultation for teachers who have
received training, dissemination.
Date of realization: 1.12.2023 – 30.11.2026

Project coordinator:
Střední odborná škola – Centrum odborné přípravy a Gymnázium
Poděbradská 179/1, PSČ: 190 00 Praha 9 (Czech Republic)

Project partners:

  1. Střední odborná škola energetická a stavební, Obchodní akademie a Střední zdravotnická
    škola, Chomutov, příspěvková organizace (Czech Republic)
  2. TIBOR Gesellschaft für Bildung, Beratung und Vermittlung mbH (Germany)
  3. IES LA MERCED (Spain)
  5. Střední škola elektrotechnická a energetická Sokolnice, příspěvková organizace (Czech